The most simplest trick to book covid-19 vaccination slots quickly & easily

covid 19 vaccine

Coronavirus disease 2019, well known as (COVID -19) is the most Contagious Disease ever in the history. The whole world is fighting with this dangerous disease. Currently There are more than 2.03 Crore covid cases in India, and the covid cases are increasing day by day rapidly.
To stop this Disease from further spreading, we've to maintain all the covid safety precautions (i.e wearing mask, sanitizing hands, social distancing, staying home) and we have to take covid vaccine.   

But the main problem is, whenever we are going to book a covid vaccine appointment on cowin website, it's always showing that all the slots are fully booked :(

So, there's a simplest trick/hack to book covid vaccination appointment quickly.

covid 19 vaccine

The main hack is vaccine slot notifier website (That will help us to book vaccine appointment quickly by sending sms to you, whenever the vaccine slot weill available on your area).

Procedure :

1. First of all go to website by clicking HERE.

2. After that enter your name, your state's district, your email and your phone number on the appropriate boxes.

covid 19 vaccine

3.After That, Click on 'Get Notified. And you'll be notified by email and sms whenever the vaccine booking appointment is available on your area.

Note - Whenever you'll the get the sms (that the vaccination booking slot is available in your area), then you have to go quickly on and sign in, then quickly click on the green slot. After then, you've to fill a captcha,
then schedule your vaccination. And then your vaccination appointment date will be successfully booked. (Because the slot will fully booked within few minutes) 

P.S - Don't delay while booking your vaccination appointment. Do this trick now, and whenever you'll find slot, book the slot immediately and go to vaccination center and take the vaccine. (because the covid vaccine is the only thing that help's us to protect & fight from coronavirus and will help us to make corona-free world).

That's for today Guys!
Hope you liked it :)

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